Y3W24 - A Whole Lot of Nothing

While it is hard to believe that we did nothing of note last week, it is mostly true. Of course, we have all the normal everyday things with a bit of travel and Christmas research thrown in. I was getting slightly worked up about all of the things coming up: a couple upcoming trips, Christmas shopping, starting to think about moving back to the US. And, it was almost as if I couldn't stop researching these items. I was spending every spare minute on the Internet trying to figure out some solutions to what was stressing me out. Saturday, I decided that I'm giving up. I'm just not going to worry about all of these things and have a day of rest. We did that. A full rainy Saturday of nothing. It was great physically but mentally I was still bothered. Then, Sunday morning we walked into Church and a member of the Bishopric asked if he could talk to both Greg and I. I had been released from my RS calling a couple weeks ago. He asked me how I felt about teaching Sunday School and I must have made a "You are insane" kind of face because he immediately started clarifying. It is not the main Sunday School in the Chapel (in German) but a smaller mostly English speaking Sunday School Class working from the same manual. While I still looked like a deer in headlights, something very spiritual occurred to me. I wasn't able to shift my focus from all things temporal and stress inducing myself. I needed help doing so. That is when my very loving and compassionate Heavenly Father stepped in. By giving me this calling, he is essentially forcing me to shift my focus to those things spiritual and in turn give my mind a rest from the stressful temporal things. How blessed I feel to have a Heavenly Father who knows me personally and gives me what I need, even if it is not what I would choose for myself.

Another spiritual but cute thing is in Avery's bedtime prayer tonight she said, "Please bless Jesus that He will have a good week."

Also, I wish playing with Tupperware and pots and pans would make me even half as excited as it makes Lleyton.

Bryn told me this week that I was one of her best friends, after Saffron, Caroline, and Bob (her teacher's husband). Fourth place isn't so bad.

I have also been noticing this week that we have local law enforcement/judge/jury residing in our house by the name of Bailey. One must watch their P's and Q's around this one. Have you ever wondered where this saying comes from:

From an old printer's axiom. Back in the early days of printing presses, each line of text had to be set up one letter at a time. Since the letters in the press were reversed (so they'd print forward), the print maker (or typographer) needed to be careful not to confuse one letter for the other. Reminding someone to "watch his p's and q's" means to pay attention to the details.
An alternate meaning for this idiom, and the one most commonly accepted as historical fact, dates back to the Olde English Pubs of yester-year. In order to remind the patrons of how much Ale or Mead they had drunk as the night progressed, the bartender would write on a chalk board (or the like) each (P)int and (Q)uart that had been consumed by each patron. It allowed said patrons to keep up with their tab, and prevented disagreements from happening between bar and patron. The term is actually correctly stated as "'Mind' your p's and q's." In this instance it is considered a warning to not get too drunk to pay your tab. Likewise in today's parlance it is a warning to pay attention to anything in general.


Kris and Linda said…
Thanks for the beautiful post. Mom
gramma sharon said…
I enjoyed reading your whole lot of nothing. Sometimes it is a whole lot of nothing that is really something. You make me very proud to be your mom. I think is is exceptional how you mother your children and take time to make them feel special. Being fourth in line is better than being 12th. gramma sharon
I laughed out load at work regarding Avery's prayer. How awesome was that. Jesus certainly does have the toughest job.

Thanks for all the work you put into getting our Christmas trip set up. Hopefully I was some amount of help. Melissa seemed to appreciated that I was handling things on our end.

Did Greg take over writing the P's and Q's section? You mentioned the other day that he was working on the blog and that sounds like his writing.

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