Y3W5 - All I want for Christmas is...

That's right folks, Bailey is officially front toothless. It is really quite funny. Sorry I have yet to take a picture though. It will have to grace the blog next week. She is feeling so much better this week. She still has to wear the splint for another week but she has almost full movement now and she is not in constant pain. A definite improvement.

One of the highlights this week was Sports Day. It was a beautiful day and the kids had so much fun in their events, minus Bailey. She, however, got to be one of the official scorekeepers of the day. Here is her very official scorekeeper look...

Avery and Bryn were quite the athletes. I took some short clips of them in some of their events.

I think they had a really fun day. It was so hot that we probably would have gone to the pool if not for the fact that our first of the back-to-back going away sleepovers was happening that night and I still had to get some things ready.

Friday night was Baileys turn, four of her close friends came to spend the night. Two of them are moving away in a couple weeks. We had homemade individual pizzas. They decorated and all signed pillow cases to have something by which to remember each other. They built a fort and slept in it in front of the TV. Well, I'm not sure how much actual sleeping was going on. In the morning, Greg made us blueberry muffins and pancakes for breakfast (omelets for the adults with the left over pizza toppings - yum). One down and one more to go.

Saturday night was Avery's turn with two of her clostest friends for a Libby Lu sleepover party. It was not enough to just have her friends spend the night, she wanted a full out themed girly party. We had homemade personal pizzas again. It was time for the Libby Lu-ness. Hair, outfits, make-up, hairspray, glitter tattoos...voila, we had our divas for the evening. They performed with spoons to the Clique Girls, "Shoot the Moon and Smile." I love the Diva poses. They were a little bit harder to convince to go to sleep, it was like musical beds for a couple hours until they all ended up in the bunk beds in Avery's room. In the morning, Greg made us waffles while the girls decorated a picture frame for the girl who is moving. They had a blast doing this.

On Saturday, while there was a lull in the action, Greg and Bryn made Dream Bars. Not just any Dream Bars, but the best in the world Dream Bars. I'm not kidding. It was difficult for me not to eat the whole pan. Sooo Good! The only problem is I don't think he followed a recipe so I'm not sure they will ever be recreated exactly. YUM!

We were so tired on Sunday afternoon that we stuck our kids in front of a movie just so that Greg and I could rest for a couple hours. What a fun week.


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