Y3W2 - Just laying around

Well, since the week began with a whirlwind trip to Switzerland and since we had the entire week off of school, we planned some serious relaxation time. Only, I didn't realize how much actual laying around would be going on. Avery got a fever on Tuesday. Thursday we had to go to the Missionaries Zone Conference in Dusseldorf and deliver their lunch, wait until they were finished and then clean up everything. We left our house at 9:30am and returned to our house after 4:00pm. It was a long day and I was so exhausted when we got home. Friday, Bailey and Bryn got the fever and pretty much slept the entire day. The weekend wasn't much better as I woke up with it Sunday morning and I was supposed to teach Relief Society. I felt so bad but had to call our RS president at 7:00am and tell her that there was no way I could make it and teach so I emailed her my lesson that I had spent four weeks preparing and let her give it instead - it takes so much more effort when you have to translate it and practice it auf Deutsch.

Lleyton seemed to have sidestepped the virus. We were very careful to keep him out of the hands of the sickies. Here are a couple shots of him. He likes to pull himself up on anything and everything these days.

I forgot to mention that before we had a bit of sickness hit, we were able to enjoy some sprinkler time in the backyard. The girls even had Lleyton "twirling" the jump rope. Also, here are some pics of the girls opening the packages my mom sent to them. Always so much fun...Thanks Mom!


Kris and Linda said…
I'm so sorry about your lesson. I know that you worked very hard on it and so it is frustrating that you couldn't give it. Lleyton is so cute. I can't believe that he is standing like that. He will be walking before you know it. Mom

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