Y2W35 - Ancient Egypt & Maastricht

This week we had several highlights. Bailey and her class performed their Egyptian play in Assembly this week. They have been studying Ancient Egypt and it was a really funny satire on the excavation of King Tutankhamun's tomb. Bailey announced to me the night before that I had to do Egyptian eye make-up and that I was supposed to have received an email from the room mom with a picture of what it was supposed to look like. I never received the email of course so I did some Internet research on Egyptian eye make-up and was praying that it would come out right. I took a close up of her just so you can see her fancy eyes.

Thursday was a really bad day. Nothing was going right. I had to make a cake for enrichment and when I tried to turn out the cake, only half of the bundt cake came out of the pan. So, I did what all Americans in Germany do...turned the bundt upside down and threw some powdered sugar on it. No one knew the difference. I have a hard time finding it enriching when I really still don't understand much of what is being said.

Saturday was the true highlight. We went to Maastricht, yes again. We love it. And, this time was less about walking around the city and more about eating at KFC, purchasing the necessities (Doritos and Root Beer), and getting some hot Belgian waffles. We also made a side trip the Natural History Museum. The building itself was very quaint and impressive. The most memorable part of this trip was when Bryn ran into a glass door at full speed knocking her flat on her back, and getting quite a bump on her forehead. The second memorable moment was one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen one of my kids do (I wish I had it on camera)... when Bailey thought a little pond was frozen, she walked very close to the edge and she slipped into the pond. Her whole leg went into the pond. The funny part though was when she pulled her leg out, she had her tall boots over her jeans, and poured probably a half gallon of water out of her boot. It made me think of a cartoon. It wasn't super cold thank goodness, but uncomfortable I'm sure. Bailey was blessed though as I just happened to have an extra pair of socks in my purse. We had been over to a friends earlier in the week and when we got ready to leave, we couldn't find Bryn's socks. My friend loaned me some of her kids' socks. So, I had washed them and stuck them in my purse to have them when I saw her again to return them, and voila, an everyday miracle, an extra pair of socks in my purse.


Kris and Linda said…
Bailey's make-up looks wonderful. I love the pictures of Lleyton with Ellyn. They are great. We are going to print some to show the grandparents. Mom

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