Y2W30 - The Magic of Christmas

Bailey has been asking a lot of questions this year as to the reality of the whole Christmas season. I have tried to explain that I really do think there is a magic that happens at Christmas time where people are generally more concerned about one another and behave in a more Christlike manner. However, when you are rushing around, trying to find the perfect presents, I think we get lost in the hussle and forget what's important. Hopefully everyone had a bit of balance this year. We were lucky to have the Missionaries ask if they could teach a newly baptized member at our house this week. I think it gave us a nice perspective heading into Christmas week.

Lleyton turned 3 months this week and I tried all day to catch a good picture - these were the best of the bunch.

The Christensens showed up Friday morning and the visiting of the Christmas markets began. As an added bonus right when they showed up, Lleyton decided to giggle a couple times while Greg's mom was holding him and the girls were giggling. It was very sweet. We started out in Bonn the day they arrived. We also hit Ahrweiler and Siegburg, where there was a hand crank ride that you pay to have your children go on and the catch is that you have to volunteer to hand crank the ride. Here are Greg and his dad paying to do manual labor.




Sunday, Lleyton was given a name and a blessing and I must say he has never been better behaved in Church. Usually, Sacrament meeting begins and he turns into a nightmare. I'm not sure if it was the fancy blessing outfit that my sister-in-law let us borrow or what, but he was very reverent. We finished the day by going to Burg Satzvey where they do the live Krippenspiele (nativity). It once again lived up to our expectations and was a very cool thing to show Greg's parents.

Below is Burg Satzvey


Byron said…
Hi guys! So fun to see the updates. I am really bad about this blog stuff, but wanted to say hi. We miss you and your motivation to get us out doing fun things in MI. You guys are amazing, now with the 4 kids, still getting out and being adventurous. I loved Greg's thoughts on the auto industry, neat to hear an "insiders" view. You guys all look great!

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