Third Week in Germany

Our third week was a bit more relaxed than the first two. Monday through Thursday Greg was in Spain "on business." It was tough in the sense that many hours in the hotel with three children can begin to lose it's excitement.

Our air shipment arrived on Tuesday which was nice because it gave us some toys and our webcam. Baileys crocs were also in the shipment which was great because it gave her a pair of "house shoes" which are required for school.

Bailey and Avery both had a good week at school. Bailey had "Bike Week" which is a week where they have bicycle instruction every day for a couple hours. One of Bailey's classmates was nice enough to loan Bailey a bike for the week. Then, on Friday they have a bike ride to a park near the school and a picnic. It is quite the organized event. Bryn had playgroup on Tuesday and Thursday which was great. It is definitely the highlight of Bryn's week.

Friday night we went out to dinner. Yes, McDonalds is now considered going out to dinner. We went to a new shopping center that was really nice. We still have not found Orangina, which is Greg's favorite Orange drink. We look for it everywhere.

Saturday was the day of festivals. The girls had their IBIS Summer Fete, complete with dance performances, pony rides, games, international food, etc. Then, we left the school summer fete and drove about 45 min to the Ward Summer Fete, complete with a lake, row boat, food, American football, etc. Both parties were fun and we got to meet several new people.

Sunday was our best day at Church yet. Bryn stayed in Nursery the whole time. Bailey and Avery are adjusting to Primary in German. The best part of the week was when we had a video conference with the grandparents. The girls were so excited and it was good to see everyone. I hope we can make it a weekly thing.

That is basically it in a nutshell. The week went by very quickly. We are looking forward to moving into our new flat and getting organized.


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